What is Software, Hard-disk, and Processing Device?

What is Software, What is Hardware,What is Hard-Disk,What is processing,

What is Software?

Software is a set of instructions and programs that directs a computer to complete a particular task. It provides the ability to the user to work on a computer. A computer without software is hard of any use.

What is Hardware?

All the Physical / Tangible parts of the computer are called hardware. The software gives the ability to the user to work on the computer. The best example of computer hardware is Monitor. On which you are reading this article right now.

Components Of Hardware:

  • System Unit

It is like a container/box It is one of the major parts of any computer system. Because the motherboard, CPU, RAM, SMPS, Hard-disk, and DVD-Writer are placed inside the system unit. Few Peoples are also called it CPU in common language Which is not right.

  • Input Devices:

Input Devices are those devices that help the users to give their instructions/commands to the computer.

Some input devices are given below:

  • Keyboard / Microphone.
  • Mouse.
  • Scanner.
  • Touchscreen.

Output Devices:

Output devices are devices that directly connected with the computer and receive the information from the computer and display it to the user. Monitor and printer are the two most common output devices.

Example of some output devices are as follows:

  • Monitor
  • Speakers / Headphone
  • Printer
  • Touchscreen

What is Hard - Disk?

A hard disk is a storage device, which is used to store data permanently. It is similar to the human brain. The first hard disk was made by IBM company whose storage capacity was just 5 MB. It consists of a circular disk on which data save digitally, it rotates very fast, and the speed of hard-disk is measured in RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) and we know that higher the RPM, the higher the data read and write speed.

What is SSD?

SSD is also known as Solid State Drive. It is a Non-volatile Storage Device It has a microchip that acts like a memory card and pen drive. It stores the data in a Chip and has no moving parts. Conversely, a hard disk drive (HDD) uses a mechanical arm that revolves around the Storage Platter along with reading/writing data and searching the data on the Storage Platter.


The processing device is also known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), Micro-processor and Processor. The CPU is called the brain of the computer. Because all the Arithmetic Calculation and Logical Operation is done by the Central Processing Unit. It fetches all the instructions coming from input devices, output devices and software then decodes these Instructions and executes them after decoding.

At last, it shows the result as output and stores the result in the main memory of the computer. All these functions are called processing and the time taken to perform these functions is called processing time.

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